1951 More Upgrades to the Old Building

Well Made Deeper

In an effort to comply with State Department school standards, McKinley made major improvements including deepening of a well for an “adequate water supply, which was approved by a test.”

The leaking basement was repaired with controlled drainage around the building so that the basement is available for play on a rainy day.

Blacktopped 12 feet Around the Building

The blacktop was hoped to improve the drainage so the basement would not leak in the future.

Basketball goals were also added.

Hot Soup Served at Morning Recess

The Community Club bought two ping-pong tables for the basement; movie projector; and new basketball goals. During the vacation, blackout shades had been hung so full use of the projector for instructional films will be possible. Hot soup was served at the morning recess by the mothers of the club.

“New desks were added this year and it is hoped that another year will see the last of all the old desks. With these improvements, complete standardization will not be far off.” Clara B. Meurer

The Priscilla Club

Priscilla Club, a woman’s social club was originally formed in 1902 in Ohio in honor of women settlers and their perseverance.  The club motto:  “By persistence and perseverance great things are gained.” Chapters of the club were started around the United States. The McKinley-Elmonica area had it’s own.  Annual topics of the club consisted of literary works, periods, and writers; countries and their customs, literature, poetry, and music; art; the Bible and religion; and occasionally a topic based on current events.

1953 McKinley Has Three Teachers—Consolidation Voted Down—Acres Added

McKinley had only two classrooms until in 1953, when a folding door was added to split the north room into two smaller ones. Now three teachers were hired.  After consolidation had been voted down by the community,  special levy was passed to help purchase additional acreage from Jesse Hansen for $4,500.

Merger with Sunset Valley was voted down. The community began to take steps to update and keep standardization according to Oregon state requirements. 

1955 Vote supported a school bus.

1956 a bond passed to build a new school.


1951 McKinley — Finally, an “Adequate Water Supply.”